Mastering Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana): Benefits, Steps, and Advanced Variations
Today, Dav will take a dive into Lizard Pose, or as yogis call it, Utthan Pristhasana. This pose is a gem for anyone looking to enhance their flexibility and end-range hip mobility. It’s your gateway to deeper hip openers, and opens the door to various asana’s which require ample hip flexibility. perfect for intermediate to advanced practitioners. Let’s unravel the magic of Lizard Pose!
What is Lizard Pose?
Lizard Pose is a deep hip opener that stretches your hip flexors, hamstrings, and quadriceps and adductors.
Historical Background and Origins
Rooted in traditional yoga practices, Lizard Pose has evolved over centuries. It’s often used in modern yoga asana sequences to prepare the body for more advanced poses like Hanumanasana and Eka Pada Sirsasna (leg behind the head pose) to name a few.
Benefits of Lizard Pose
Physical Benefits:
Hip Opening: This pose is exceptional for opening up the hips, making it a favourite among athletes and dancers.
Stretching Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Adductors & Quadriceps: Lengthens these muscle groups through stretching methods such as passive stretching, active static stretching.
Improves Flexibility and Mobility: With regular practice, This Pose can increase one’s flexibility and create greater joint mobility by applying end-range isometric muscle contractions in the pose.
Mental Benefits:
Stress Reduction: With prolonged duration in Lizard Pose and the practice of calm breathing it can help to soothe one’s nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety.
Enhances Relaxation: Deep breathing and the pose’s meditative aspect promote relaxation and peace.
Releasing Tension: The pose helps release physical and emotional tension stored in the hips.
Encouraging Self-Acceptance: Practising Lizard Pose encourages self-acceptance by allowing you to listen to and respect your body’s limits.
Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Lizard Pose

Starting Position
Step 1: Begin in Downward-Facing Dog.
This is a suitable starting place before entering Lizard pose.
Step 2: Lift one leg (Right Leg) for Downward-Facing Dog Split.
Raise right leg up into Downward-Facing Dog Split.

Step 3: Place Right Foot to the Outside of the Right Hand.
Place the right foot to the outside of the right hand towards the long edge of your mat.
Step 4: Lower Left Knee to the Mat.
Keeping the hands placed at about shoulder-width distance apart, lower the knee of the rear leg to your mat.
Lowering to Forearms
Step 5: Bring Elbows & Forearms to the Mat.
If you have the flexibility, lower onto your forearms.
Use blocks if needed to support your forearms.
Step 6: Maintain a Steady Muscular Engagement.
Press down through the front and rear foot with about 20/30% effort. This helps to provide muscle engagement through both legs giving muscular stability to your hips.
Maintaining the Pose
Step 7: Hold for 5-10 Breaths
Stay steady and focused on your breath, allowing your body to deepen into the pose gradually.
Step 8: Focus on Steady Breathing
Inhale and exhale deeply to enhance the stretch and calm your mind.
Releasing the Pose
Step 9: Press Back to Downward Dog
Using your arms and core strength transition smoothly back into Downward Facing Dog
Step 10: Repeat on the Other Side
Repeat the steps 1-10 on the left side.
Modifications for Different Skill Levels
Lizard Pose can be adapted to accommodate various skill levels, making it accessible for everyone. Beginners can benefit from using Props for additional support and the more flexible practitioner can progress to more increased ranges of the hip joint.
Try these Different Variations of Lizard Pose:
Preparation is essential for safely performing Lizard Pose and maximising its benefits. Here are some recommended warm-up asana (postures):
Recommended Warm-up Postures:
1. Half Happy Baby Pose (Ardha Ananda Balasana):

Half-Happy Baby Pose is basically Lizard Pose lying on your back. This is less intense than Lizard pose and is an ideal preparatory pose for Uttana Pristhasana (Lizard Pose).
2. Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana):

Happy Baby posture is a gentle way to warm up the hips in preparation for poses like Lizard Pose. Spend 8/10 breaths.
3. Kneeling Lunge (Anjaneyasana):

This pose lengthens the hip flexor muscles in the rear leg and stretches the anterior chain in the upper body.
4. Malasana – ‘Garland Pose’ (Squat Pose):

Malasana is a great posture to open the hips for deeper versions of Lizard pose.
5. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana):

Engaging the glutes and hamstrings, Bridge Pose warms up and helps to mobilise the lower body and spine. Ideal for maintaining joint stability in Lizard Pose.
Using Props in Lizard Pose
- Bolsters: Use a bolster under your hips or chest for additional support. This prop can help you relax into the pose more deeply, making it more restorative. It’s especially beneficial for those who need a gentler approach to hip opening.
- Blankets: Place a folded blanket under your back knee for cushioning and comfort. This helps reduce pressure on the knee joint, making the pose more accessible and comfortable for longer holds. It’s a simple yet effective way to enhance your practice.
Safety and Precautions for Lizard Pose
Always warm up thoroughly with poses like Sun Salutations and Low Lunges to prepare your body. Use props such as yoga blocks or bolsters for support if needed. Listen to your body and never force your hips open beyond their natural limits. Maintain steady and controlled breathing throughout the pose. Consult with a healthcare provider before attempting Lizard Pose, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or concerns about your physical health.
Final Thought
We’ve explored Lizard Pose, highlighting its steps and benefits for enhancing your yoga asana practice. If you’re interested in deepening your practice, consider joining the Dav Jones online yoga classes on Patreon. For a more tailored/specific approach to your practice, then take a look at the Dav Jones Yoga mentorship program.