
Discover the steps and Benefits of Cobra Pose in Your Yoga Practice

Hi, I’m Dav Jones, a passionate yoga practitioner and dedicated yoga teacher trainer. Today, we will explore Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), a pose that’s as powerful as it is foundational. Whether you’re new to yoga or looking to deepen your understanding of this essential posture, you’re in the right place. Together, we’ll uncover the benefits, proper techniques, and the unique strength that Cobra Pose brings to your practice. Let’s dive in and experience the transformative power of Bhujangasana!

Why Cobra Pose is a Foundational Pose ?

Cobra Pose is important in yoga because it helps to build a strong, flexible spine, which is essential for overall health. It also opens the chest, improving posture and breathing, and can relieve tension in the lower back. This pose lays the foundation for more advanced backbends and is often used in yoga sequences to warm up the spine and prepare it for deeper backbends. Plus, it’s accessible for beginners, making it a versatile and essential pose in any yoga practice.

How to Do Cobra Pose Step-by-Step

Cobra Pose

Let’s break down the Cobra Pose into simple steps:

  1. Start on Your Stomach: Lie face down (prone) with your legs straight and your toes pointing back. Let the tops of your feet rest flat on the floor. Relax your body and prepare for the pose.
  2. Place Your Hands: Position your hands directly besides the chest area of your body. 
  3. Lift Slowly: Contract your glutes, depress your shoulders and on the inhale press down through your hands and gently lift your chest off the floor. Use the strength of your back muscles to lift, not just your hands. Imagine your spine lengthening as you rise with your chest drawing forward and arm bones pulling down and back.
  4. Keep Elbows Close: As you lift, keep your elbows tucked close to your sides, and roll your shoulders back to open your chest.
  5. Hold the Pose: Lift as high as you comfortably can, making sure the front part of your pelvis stays in contact with the floor. Hold the pose for a few breaths, keeping your neck long and your eyes looking forward or slightly up. Breathe deeply and evenly, letting each breath guide your movement as you uptake the sensation of Cobra pose

Alignment Tips

    • Lift from the Middle Back: Focus on raising your chest by using the muscles in the lower, middle and upper back, rather than putting all the pressure on your lower back.
    • Shoulder Position: Roll your shoulders back and down to open up your chest.
    • Hip stability: Contract your Glute muscles in order to stabilise your sacrum and in turn this supports your spinal column from its base.

Benefits of Cobra Pose

Adding Cobra Pose to your yoga practice can bring many physical and mental benefits. Here’s why it’s worth including:

  • Better Spinal Flexibility and Mobility

Extending your spine isn’t something that occurs too often in a stereotypical example of a modern-day movement of a human. By practising a pose like Cobra can help in mobilising your spine which can support more efficient moving patterns for your body. 

  • Opens the Chest and Improves Posture

When you lift your chest in Cobra Pose, it not only stretches your chest but also expands the anterior region of your lungs. For those individuals that spend many hours sitting, Cobra pose can help create space and length for the tissues of the chest which often spend time in a shortened position. 

  • Strengthens Arms, Core, and Lower Back

Cobra Pose isn’t just for your back. It also strengthens your arms, especially your triceps. This pose creates a great lengthening action to the muscles and tissues of the anterior (front) body. 

  • Improves Hip Mobility

Cobra Pose helps to lengthen the hip flexor muscles located at the front of the hip joint. Applying contraction to the Glute muscles at the rear of the hip region helps to facilitate a greater stretch for the hip flexors. 

  • Helps Reduce Stress

The gentle backbend of Cobra Pose opens your chest and encourages deep breathing. This can help reduce stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling calmer and more relaxed.

  • Boosts Your Mood and Mental Clarity

Cobra Pose is stimulating by nature. The opening of the chest stimulates adrenal glands so can help in giving the practitioner a boost of energy. 

  • Enhances Mind-Body Connection

Cobra Pose helps you connect with your body and mind. As you move through the pose, you become more aware of your breathing and body’s feelings, which helps you stay present and mindful. This can lead to greater self-awareness and a deeper sense of peace during and after your practice.

By practising Cobra Pose regularly, you can improve both your physical strength and flexibility while also supporting your mental well-being. It’s a simple pose with powerful benefits for both body and mind.

Comparing Cobra Pose to Upward Facing Dog

Cobra Pose and Upward Facing Dog may look similar, but they have some key differences that affect how and when to use them in your practice.

Cobra Pose
Upward Facing Dog
Key Differences
  • Cobra Pose: In Cobra Pose, your pelvis stays on the floor, and the lift mainly comes from your upper back. This makes it easier on your arms and legs because they don’t have to support as much of your body weight.
  • Upward Facing Dog: In Upward Facing Dog, your pelvis and thighs lift off the floor, which means you need more strength and flexibility to hold the pose. It engages more muscles and provides a deeper stretch to the anterior body.
When to Choose Each Pose
  • Cobra Pose: This is a great option if you want to build strength and flexibility without putting too much pressure on your wrists or lower back. It’s also ideal if you’re working on your backbend practice.
  • Upward Facing Dog: Choose this pose when you’re ready for a more intense backbend and want to challenge your body. It’s often used in more dynamic yoga sequences when you’re looking to push your limits a bit further.

Variations of Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose is versatile and can be modified to suit different levels of experience and physical needs. Here are some common variations you can try:

Sphinx Pose

Sphinx Pose

It is perfect for beginners or anyone with back issues. In this variation, you lift your chest only slightly off the ground, keeping your forearms on the ground. This gentle version is certainly suitable for those starting the practice of backbends.

Cobra with a Block

Cobra with a Block

If you need extra support, try Cobra with a block. You can place a yoga block between your upper thighs. This can help provide space in your lower back. 

King Cobra

King Cobra
Final Thought

We’ve covered everything about Cobra Pose, from the steps to its benefits for improving your yoga practice. If you’re eager to take your practice further, check out the Dav Jones online yoga classes on Patreon. For a more customised approach to your yoga journey, consider exploring the Dav Jones Yoga mentorship program.


Yes, Cobra Pose is great for beginners. Start with Sphinx pose to get comfortable, and gradually work your way to Cobra as you build strength and flexibility.

If you experience discomfort, especially in the lower back, try a gentler variation like Baby Cobra or Sphinx Pose, and focus on engaging your core to support your spine.

Cobra Pose expands the chest and lungs, allowing for deeper and more efficient breathing, which can enhance respiratory health and overall energy levels.

Yes, the gentle compression and release in Cobra Pose can stimulate the digestive organs, promoting better digestion and relief from mild digestive discomfort.

DJY Online Yoga Classes

Dav Jones Yoga Online offers yoga classes from all levels to the advanced yoga asana practitioner.

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