Urdhva Dhanurasana – Building Trust in Vulnerability

Full Wheel Pose or Urdhva Dhanurasana regularly appears in the modern-day yoga asana practice. This class focuses on helping you build trust in your body and helps the practitioner to embrace the feelings of vulnerability which can sometimes be experienced in the backbend practice. Dav will guide you through a lengthy asana practice finalised by the step-by-step techniques to safely prepare the body for the peak pose of Urdhva Dhanurasana. 

Discover the strength and openness within you as you deepen your practice and gain confidence in this transformative posture.

What is Urdhva Dhanurasana?

Urdhva Dhanurasana, also known as Full Wheel Pose or Upward Bow Pose, is a powerful backbend that opens the chest, strengthens the arms and legs, and increases flexibility in the spine. This pose involves lifting the body into an arch with hands and feet on the ground, forming a wheel-like shape. It is a challenging posture that requires strength, flexibility, and trust in one’s body. Practising Urdhva Dhanurasana can help build physical endurance and mental resilience, making it a valuable addition to any yoga practice.

Benefits of Urdhva Dhanurasana

Benefits Explanations
Strengthens the Body Enhances the strength of the arms, shoulders, legs, and Gluteal muscle group providing a full-body integration to execute the posture.
Improves Flexibility Increases flexibility in the spine, hips, shoulders and wrists promoting overall increased mobility of the body’s joints.
Opens the Chest and Lungs Expands the chest cavity, which can improve respiratory function and increase lung capacity.
Boosts Energy and Mood Stimulates the nervous system and increases blood flow, leading to higher energy levels.
Builds Mental Resilience Encourages a sense of trust and confidence in one’s abilities, fostering mental strength and resilience.

Urdhva Dhanurasana is a transformative pose that strengthens, energises, and opens both body and mind, fostering overall well-being.


1. What preparatory poses can help me get into Urdhva Dhanurasana?

Allocate some time to warm-up and mobilise the wrist joints. Some preparatory poses which can help prepare the body for Full Wheel Pose include Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), and Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) to build strength and flexibility in the back and shoulders.

2. Are there any contraindications for Urdhva Dhanurasana?

Avoid this pose if you have wrist, shoulder, or back injuries, high blood pressure, or headaches. Always consult with a healthcare professional if you have any medical conditions.

3. How can I modify Urdhva Dhanurasana if I find it challenging?

Placing the wrists at an incline to reduce the end-range extension of the wrist joint can help ease wrist compression, the use of blocks under your hands for support works well here.

Practice with a partner can help assist the practitioner in adjustments and guidance with the posture.

4. What are some common mistakes to avoid in Urdhva Dhanurasana?

Ignoring pain and joint compression can often be experienced in poses such as Full Wheel Pose. Listen to your body’s limitations and learn to discern the sensory messages your movement practice shares with you.

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