Side Plank Fundamentals

Side Plank or Vasisthasana Fundamentals as it is commonly known, is regarded as an intermediate posture that requires technique, strength, and focus. During this practice, Dav will break down the applications of this one-hand balancing posture, its fundamentals, and variations.

Why Practice Side Plank Fundamentals?

Side Plank is an empowering yoga pose that strengthens the arms, wrists, and abdominals. This posture challenges balance mainly. Developing the necessary fundamentals and techniques is necessary to develop support throughout the body. It forms a diagonal line from head to heels, toning the abdomen, promoting shoulder stability, and testing concentration and balance. This pose is ideal for building endurance, encouraging a strong focus, and enhancing body awareness, making it a comprehensive posture for both physical and mental strength.

Benefits of Side Plank

Benefits Explanations
Strengthens and stabilizes Shoulders, Arms, and Wrists Primarily strengthens medial deltoids, the upper trapezius and triceps of the shoulder complex, and the extensors of the wrists.
Improves Balance Due to the nature of this balancing posture, a focused concentration is necessary to develop poise in the posture.
Tones Abdomen Side Plank specifically targets the external abdominal oblique of the abdominal group.
Strengthens and stabilizes Hips Specifically targets the gluteus medius muscle in the hips. Gluteus Medius is an important hip stabiliser in movement.

Join our class to master Vasisthasana (Side Plank) and gain arm strength, balance, core stability, and focus. Transform your practice with this powerful pose for overall physical and mental clarity.


1. How can I modify Vasisthasana if I’m a beginner?

Beginners can start with the knee of the lower leg on the ground to reduce the difficulty of balance.

2. How does Side Plank (Vasisthasana) improve balance?

Due to the technical nature of having to balance on one hand, this posture requires a focused concentration. With regular practice, technique becomes paramount and balance can be attained.

3. What are some common mistakes to avoid in Side Plank?

Avoid sagging hips, bending the supporting arm, or losing focus.

4. Are there any contraindications for Side Plank?

Individuals with shoulder, wrist, or elbow injuries, or high blood pressure, should avoid or modify the pose under guidance. Seek out alternative variations to make the practice inclusive for you.

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