Journey to Tripod Headstand Series

Hi, I’m Dav Jones, a yoga teacher and teacher trainer. I’m excited to share with you my Tripod Headstand series. This series is a 5 class series where I’ll share the foundational alignment principles of Tripod Headstand, strength based drills for different levels and then finally the technique behind executing Tripod Headstand.

This series will leave you feeling confident in your ability in practising Tripod Headstand.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

  • Level 1: Foundations
    Learn the basics of the Tripod Headstand, focusing on foundational alignment positions of the wrists, arms, shoulders and placement of the head.
  • Level 2: Building Strength with Tripod Practice Drills
    Start building strength in the arms and abdominals. I’ll share 2 particular drills which will aid in enhancing your stability and technique.
  • Level 3: Intermediate Practice Drills
    This class is more challenging than that of Class 2. I’ll share some additional strengthening drills which will continue to aid in enhancing the strength of the body in preparation for Tripod Headstand.
  • Level 4: Intermediate – Mixed-Combo Practice Drills
    This class I’ll share a combination of the drills from Class 2 and Class 3 with one final drill addition, a drill I consider as the most challenging of the series.
  • Level 5: The Practice of Tripod Headstand Class 5 I’ll share the technique around safely executing Tripod Headstand.

Benefits of Tripod Headstand

Benefits Explanations
Increased blood flow to the head
The increase in blood flow can help to increase more oxygen and nutrients to the brain aiding in improved function.
Improved Core Strength
Having stronger abdominals improves the stability of the spine along with improved breathing efficacy in regards to the depression of the rib-cage during the exhale phase.
Enhanced Balance Heightens ability to balance and remain stable.
Mental Focus Enhances concentration and mindfulness during which can aid in clarity of mind.

Join me on this journey to master the tripod headstand, step by step. Follow this link on Patreon to get started and take your practice to the next level!


1. What is the Sanskrit name for a tripod headstand?

The Sanskrit name for a tripod headstand is ‘Sirsasana B.’

2. Is a Tripod Headstand (Sirsasana B) easier than Sirsasana A?

Tripod Headstand I would consider requiring stronger arms than that of Sirsasana A.

3. Can beginners join this class?

This class is best suited for those with prior headstand experience or who have completed the earlier levels.

4. Who should avoid the Tripod headstand?

People with neck or spine injuries, high blood pressure, heart conditions, or glaucoma should avoid headstands.

Do you have any query related classes?

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