Bird of Paradise – Moderating Your Energy

Discover the grace and balance of Bird of Paradise Pose in this engaging class. Perfect for intermediate practitioners, this class focuses on moderating your energy while enhancing flexibility and strength. You’ll learn to find balance and calm through precise movements and mindful breathing.

What is the Bird of Paradise Pose?

Bird of Paradise Pose, or Svarga Dvijasana, is an intermediate-level yoga posture that combines balance, flexibility, and strength. Named after the beautiful Bird of Paradise flower, this pose involves standing on one leg while lifting the opposite leg and extending it to the side, all while maintaining an open chest and balanced stance. This pose enhances hip and hamstring flexibility, strengthens the legs and core, and improves overall body awareness and control. It’s a powerful way to connect with your inner grace and stability.

Benefits of Hip Mobility Flow Class

Benefits Explanations
Improves Balance Enhances overall stability by requiring focus and control to maintain the posture.
Increases Flexibility Stretches the hamstrings, hips, and groin, promoting a greater range of motion.
Enhances Leg Strength Builds strength in the standing leg and the muscles of the extended leg.
Encourages Internal rotation of shoulder The bind aspect of the posture internally rotates the shoulder which helps to increase the passive range of motion of the shoulder.

Bird of Paradise Pose brings balance, strength, and flexibility, enriching your yoga practice and promoting inner peace.


1. Can beginners try Bird of Paradise Pose?

Beginners should work on building flexibility and balance with simpler poses before attempting Bird of Paradise.

2. What are the common mistakes in Bird of Paradise Pose?

Common mistakes include collapsing the chest and locking the standing knee. Use props to help assist yourself in exploring the posture whilst respecting the limitations of your physical practice. With a posture like Bird of Paradise, it’s important to progress with a sense of patience.

3. Are there any contraindications for Bird of Paradise Pose?

Any rotator cuff injuries may incur discomfort due to the binding involved in the posture.

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