Upward Facing Dog Tutorial

The Upward Facing Dog is a common yoga posture that features regularly in modern-day asana classes. Learning the fundamentals and techniques of Upward Facing Dog is a worthwhile investment in one’s yoga asana practice.

What’s in Upward Facing Dog Posture Class?

The Upward Facing Dog posture class offers a comprehensive guide to mastering this essential yoga pose, focusing on the fundamental application of the posture, its technique, alignment, and variations. Ideal for yogis of all levels, this class teaches how to safely execute the pose, highlights its benefits for strengthening and flexibility, and addresses common mistakes. Participants learn modifications to accommodate various skill levels, ensuring a deepened yoga practice that enhances physical and mental well-being through this heart-opening asana.

Benefits of Upward Facing Dog Posture Class

Benefits Explanations
Mobilizes the Spine Upward Dog helps to facilitate spinal extension.
Opens the Chest and Shoulders Stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdominal muscles. Can aid in freeing up the ribcage which in turn can benefit more efficient breathing patterns.
Stimulates Abdominal Organs Activates the organs in the abdomen, aiding digestion.
Improves Flexibility Increases flexibility in the back and spine, enhancing overall movement.

Upward Facing Dog Tutorial enhances mobility, flexibility, and aids breathing, making this practise a functional complement to one’s yoga practice.


1. Can beginners do Upward Facing Dog Pose?

Yes, beginners can do Upward Facing Dog, but it’s important to start slowly and focus on maintaining the fundamental applications of the posture that Dav shares in the class. Using props or modifications can help ease into the pose safely.

2. How long should I hold the Upward Facing Dog pose?

In most typical Vinyasa classes, practitioners will spend one breath in the posture which is usually only the inhale. Upward Facing Dog requires strength to maintain, so regressed postures like the Cobra pose are a worthwhile starting point to build strength in the posterior muscles of the body. Once the practitioner feels competent and strong in Cobra, they can progress their practice to Upward Facing Dog.

3. What are common mistakes in Upward Facing Dog?

Not engaging the Glute muscles which help in stabilising the sacrum. Rushing through the posture without muscular stability. Ignoring compression in the lumbar spine.

4. What muscles does Upward Facing Dog work?

Upward Facing Dog is of the backbend family of asanas. Typically this type of asana will showcase a lengthening contraction to the muscles of the anterior body (eccentric contraction) and a shortening to the muscles of the posterior body (concentric contraction).

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